
Happy new year 2013

7 Seven things I did in the New year's eve 2013:

1.Walked for miles, circling around central London to get to London eye. 

2. Stood (i repeat, STOOD and NEVER even for a second had a chance to sit) for 7 awesome-delightful-yet-tiring hours at London eye.

3. Danced like i never danced before. I succeed to apply 'Goyang kepala ala changcuters' the whole night. My friend said that it becomes my trademark. Oh please.

4. Saw a gay couple kissed. And they're both good-looking. And they're both cute. And they're both just adorable. Gosh why??

5. Managed to escape from a possibility of getting an undesirable hug from a random drunk guy -__-

6. Stunned and in awe by the magnificent 11 mins fireworks show.

7. Made friends with two local old yet super fun folksTurns out getting older does not stop you from being crazy. hha

At the end of the night, i realised that the very first day of this new year marks the ending of my happy jolly times. The reality called exam is coming. As John Lennon once said "The dream is over and so dear friends, you just have to carry on". Happy new year everyone :D

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