
The Cavern Rocks!

Traveled to Liverpool few days ago and I extremely had a good time. I don't mean to be lebay, but i have to say that this was one of the best moments in my life. 

I went to a pub called 'The Cavern' where The Beatles (the world's best coolest band ever according to me and I believe also according to the other 7.7 billion people who live in our mother earth hha) made their first performance. And luckily, at that time there was a tribute to the beatles night. huaaa 

Can you imagine that? I happened to be able to relish beatles songs, at a place that so historical to the band. And the most exciting thing was that the performers were Lennon and McCartney's offspring *faint

And they sang my favourite beatles song, Blackbird *faintagain

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take this sunken eyes and learn to see, all your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free

I am a happy girl ;p



Ini lagu dari Gotye feat Kimbra yang judulnya "Somebody that I used to know" gawat banget sih. Coba dengerin liriknya, liat video klipnya yang super sederhana tapi dramatis. Dan pasti anda semua akan bengong hehe. Oh and btw suara si Gotye katanya mirip Sting. Iya juga sih hahaa. Cekidot gan!



''Jangan terlalu membenci seseorang"

Kalimat diatas selalu diucapkan ibu saya jika saya curhat tentang seseorang yang nyebelin. Entah teman, saudara, bos atau siapapun.Tapi namanya juga saya kalo uda sebel sama orang ya sebel aja, susah ilangnya hehe.  

Di kantor saya yang sekarang, bos saya itu cewe berumur sekitar 40an, well-dressed dan yaa pastilah pinter. Tapi yang namanya cewe kan biasanya cerewet, begitupula dengan bos saya ini. Cerewet dan orangnya meledak-ledak, cepet marah gitu tapi saya tau sih sebenernya dia baik. 

Saya pernah beberapa kali kena semprot, baik emang kesalahan saya sendiri ato salah orang lain tapi ditimpakan ke saya. Yang gitu-gitu sih yang bikin saya agak cebel-cebel sama dia. Dan menurut saya dia termasuk golongan PHP (pemberi harapan palsu) karena waktu itu pernah janjiin saya sesuatu tapi ga ditepati. Yaah 11-12lah sama para dewan wakil rakyat yang terhormat.

Selain itu mungkin dia perhatian terlalu berlebih sama saya ato gimana kali, dia itu sering banget ngomentarin penampilan saya. Pernah suatu waktu dia bilang (di depan banyak orang) baju saya lebih cocok buat orang hamil zzz. Itu pas dia ngomong kaya gitu rasanya saya pengen hidup jadi semut aja pfftt.  Dan dia kaya gitu ke saya ajaaa, yang lain kagaaak. Suatu keanehan yang tidak bisa saya pahami memang. Why always me?? 

Tapi benar juga kata ibu saya, jangan terlalu membenci orang. Bisa jadi itu emang salah satu cara mereka untuk nunjukin perhatiannya. Minggu ini adalah minggu terakhir saya dikantor dan dia ternyata bikinin saya cheese cake. She made it herself. Hiii manis banget kan. Jadi merasa disayang dan diperhatikan hahaha. Coba deh bos saya yang suka nyebelin bikinin ciskek buat sayaa aaaakkk. Walapun tersanjung udah abis tapi saya tetep merasa tersanjung #salahfokus. Ternyata masih ada kejutan lainnya, di hari terakhir saya di kantor dia buatin saya farewell dinner  di salah satu tempat yang lagi ngehits di jakarta, Lucy in the sky. aaaak kembali saya merasa tersanjung. 

Pengalaman dengan dengan bos yang berakhir tidak terprediksi juga pernah saya alami sekitar tahun 2009. Waktu itu saya masih bekerja di salah satu bank asing di Jakarta. Bos saya yang ini lebih nyebelin dari si ibu yang saya ceritakan di atas. Orangnya itu ga santai, ga sabaran, kalo anak buah salah ga berani pasang badan. Nyebelin banget deh pokoknya.

Pada akhir tahun 2009 saya memutuskan untuk berhenti kerja disitu karena satu dan lain hal. Seminggu sebelum hari terakhir saya di bank tersebut, bos saya itu mengalami kecelakaan sehingga mengalami gegar otak dan katanya harus bedrest lama. Saya belum sempat menjenguk karena rumahnya jauh dan saat itu kerjaan kantor lagi overload.

Hari terakhir saya dikantor, pagi – pagi saya dikejutkan dengan kedatangan dia. Si bapak yang harusnya masih bedrest tapi masuk kantor. Pada heboh orang kantor karena takut si bapak belum sembuh bener buat balik kerja. 

Pada sore harinya, tiba-tiba saya digiring ke suatu ruangan dan ternyata diadakan acara farewell kecil-kecilan buat saya. Yah ga party-party banget sih, ga ada snack ato minuman gitu, tapi ada ucapan terimakasih dari mereka untuk saya dan tidak lupa ada bingkisan kecil. Dan saya baru tau ternyata yang mengusulkan acara itu adalah bos saya. Bos super nyebelin yang ternyata mau repot-repot masuk kantor (dengan kondisi dia abis kecelakaan) untuk bisa ngucapain terimakasih ke saya, anak buahnya. Aaaaak moment kembali terjadi.

Tuh kan bener juga kata ibu saya, jangan membenci seseorang secara berlebihan. Kalo ada orang yang nyebelin, belum tentu mereka sebenernya nyebelin, bisa jadi itu cara mereka buat mengekspresikan rasa sayang mereka ke kita ejiyeee

Akhir kata, perlu diketahui anak muda bahwasanya benci itu adalah cinta yang tertunda :p



another wake-up call story

Hi! It’s been quite a while since the last time I blogged. For the past few months I was really busy preparing this and that (I’m not gonna explain what “this and that “ are, uhh oh well maybe I will in my next writing: p). Anyway, there were several milestones that happened in my life during these few months.

Okay first thing is uuhmm I am with someone now yeayy! Hhaa. No I am not gonna share my story with the new guy, let it be our story (yeaah right :p). The next thing is that I am really excited about this year as I have made several goals and have also worked my ass out reaaaall hard to achieve it. Well I am still working on it and hoping for the best result. Amen.

What I am going to share is my story of joining a finance course. I have engaged in a CFA preparation course for almost a month that every Saturday I have to sit for about 8 boring- at-first-but-i-found-it-really-fun hours hha. For any of you who don’t know what CFA is, you can find the definition here.

At first I thought the participants will be the kind of people who already have a lot of experiences in finance industry, those who are considered well-grounded. In fact they are, but there are also other people who less-experienced and have no idea about what finance is but at the same time have a huge curiosity about it. I definitely belong to the 2nd category hhe.

Let me start with person no.1. She is a graduate of the finest state university in Bandung, class of 2004. We are about the same age (I thought..). After she graduated, she joined a pharmacy company (since she holds a bachelor degree in pharmaceutical engineering). It turned out that she didn’t like her job and decided to continue her study by taking a master degree. The interesting fact about her is that she entered the school 2 years earlier than she supposed to.

I’m gonna let you guys think for a sec.

Okay? Got the picture?

This girl, a 23-year-old human being, already obtained a bachelor and a master degree and now pursuing to obtain a CFA certification. In such a really young age, she has gained so much in terms of self-development. To some extent and since I am a common normal person, jealousy is just unavoidable. ;p

Now turn to person no.2. At first encounter, nothing’s special from this middle-aged woman. She’s just like everybody else in the class. But wait until you hear her story.

She lives in Jogyakarta. And you know what? She takes a round-trip Jakarta-Jogjakarta-Jakarta in order to be able to join the class. And she does that every Saturday for the next few months. Every Saturday!

Can you imagine that?

I was like,, what??!

My jaw hit the floor as I listened to her story (okay, this metaphor is just lehebahayy hhe) . But come on! This woman is no longer in her 20s or 30s or anything that labels her as a young person. She proves that age isn’t something that could limit her thirst for knowledge.

What I can say here is that these two women are just amazingly crazy. I salute them, I really do. They give me a really good example on how to stay focus, how to keep their dreams alive and continue to chase it no matter how hard it is.

I believe the ingredients of successfully grabbing dreams are a cup of faith, a big bowl of hard work (I mean a really huge one ;p) and an unstoppable droplets of prayer. Hmm probably should add a nice slice of patience there hha.

So I got the recipe, now it's time to cook :)