
No substitute, sorry

Let's admit it. We are now living in a techno based world. Everything we do in this so-called 21st century, we do technologically. From the moment we wake up in the morning till the time we close our eyes at night, we are dealing with technology. From the simple thing like nail clipper to the complicated thing as computer. From the less-techno vehicle like bicycle to the super-techno spacecraft. It is the heyday of technology.

Our world has shifted into one big digital world. Time, distance are no longer problems anymore. Someone who is in the middle of a dessert in Afghanistan can communicate with someone who is in New York. We have provided by tools that make our life easier. Tools called technology.

"Technology is the application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives" (American Heritage Dictionary)

"Technology is the usage of and knowledge of tools, technique, crafts, systems or methods of organization" (Wikipedia)

In short technology was created to help us, human being.

However are we happy with these "Technologies"?
I personally feel that something's missing.
How come?
Let's have an example.

Blackberry. This tool is a breakthrough in communication. It changes the way people communicate. It makes communication cost cheaper. You can have a nice, comfortable chat with your friend who is in another island, province or even in other country. You can also get information easily and faster. We've became dependent on this device.

What is the missing part then?

The missing part are the immediacy, the intimacy, the personal touch, facial expression, body languages. We can not feel or experience all of these through blackberry or other communication devices. Things like a warm hug, eye contact, even simple thing as handshake.

There is no substitute for face-to-face communication. Hourly phone calls can't replace a 5-minute rendezvous. Hourly chatting in a virtual world will not replace the remarkable feeling of being able to have a conversation in the same room. Face-to-face communication remains the best human interaction.

For me, no matter how sophisticated the way we communicate, no matter how cool, fancy, awesome the gadget that we have, still, there is no such thing that can compare, replace or substitute the old-fashioned face-to-face communication.



To : Egy Tania aka Egytahakim
Cc : Sukma Dwi Andrina, Nadira

From : Tassa Remisha
Date : October 13th 2010

Hai Egs,

This is your sister speaking. Since you have a new age, I got a couple things to say.

First of all, happy birthday! Yeiyyy! You’re 16 now. In fact you have lived in our blue planet for 16 years or 192 months or 768 weeks or 5840 days. Pretty amazing huh? Look at those numbers, you’re old girl! :p

Well anyway I’ve been in your age. So if you let me, I’m gonna share my experience a little bit about being 16.

Back in the days when I was 16, it was 8 years ago. I was a junior high teenager. Just like you. I still remember how it felt being a teenager. I know it’s not easy, with all those hormone things, boys, friends, parents etc. You’ll deal with lots of sappy-sad-gloomy times. But also you’ll feel happy, wonderful, fascinating about it. You will crash and burn yet you’ll rise and shine. It will be one of your best moments in your life. Trust me, you’d die to have all those moments back when you have reached my age.

In the end I just want to put this final note: Enjoy your life, enjoy being 16, taste every single piece of it. Rise and Shine dear egitotss

With love

Your rempong sister


PS: I guess you still have a few more years to be Justin Bieber's no.1 fan, as you’re getting older, you gotta find another idol :D


A slap in the face

Friday night.
The rain was pouring down. I was on my way home from my work as I listened to a dashing song from one of my favorite local indie bands, The sigit. A song called " Live in New York".

If I could live in New York
If only I could live in New York

A couple minutes later, my blackberry rung for incoming message. It was from my friend, delivered me a horrendous news; a friend of ours just got a job in New York. Yes! New York honey! N-E-W-Y-O-R-K. The big apple.

and.. I was shocked. It was like a slap in the face. A wake up call. A oh-my-God moment. Then I fell silent. I couldn't wrap my mind around. It flew here and there.
I'm happy for her but also jealous. One sentence was hanging on my mind; I am so left behind..

I need to do something. I need to aim higher. I need to try harder. And it starts from now.
The game is on. The pressure is coming down.

Do you think I stressed out?

I admit it, I am..

But sometimes feeling stressed out is the best trigger to uplift your spirit. Spirit to conquer the world. Spirit to defeat anything and become the champion of your own competition.

To reach your dreams.

So buckle your seat belt fellas. Flare your flame up. Go win your own war. No matter how painful, no matter how hard.

ps: I don't know why but I believe that someday I will be able to step my feet on New York and being able to sing "I'm an Indonesian woman in New York :P


The Beautiful Escape

After several times my plans to have a holiday was canceled, finally the day has come yyeiyy! I managed myself in a quick escape to an island on the north of Semarang. Karimun Jawa island. It was a really quick and short escape.I was leaving Jakarta on friday night and return back on Monday morning. See..quick and short. It took about 11 hours from Jakarta to Semarang, and another 4 hours from Semarang to Karimun and that made it up to 15 hours at total. crazy huh? Well but it was fun. A really fun holiday. The place was super beautiful, gorgeous and incredible. Superb!

Before I tell you my story during the Karimun Jawa trip, let me first share my thought about traffic in Jakarta. This could be my umpteenth time to complain about how ridiculous traffic in Jakarta is. The schedule for the bus to depart was at 7 pm. So I left the office at exact 5 pm, consider that it will take 2 hours from my office to the bus station. I thought I was doing fine. But I was wrong. The traffic was way too horrible. It took almost 3 hours to the Rawamangun bus station. I really hate Jakarta at that time. Gosh! It made me sick, seeing all those cars creeping around on the road like a bunch of caterpillars. Dear Lord please help me :p

Ok enough about I-stuck-in-a-traffic-jam-please-help-me-God story. Let's go to the main story.
I arrived at the island at about 2 pm, had a quick lunch and prepared myself to go snorkeling right after. We (I and the 23 others of my new friends) took a boat to discover the island.

First stop: Menjangan besar. Because this was my first time to go snorkeling, I didn't prepare myself good enough. I didn't wear my contact lens and since i have an eye sight of -4.75, I was totally blind. I felt like an idiot. While others of my friends astonished, amazed, dumb founded by the beauty of the underwater life, I didn't see a thing. Not even a single thing. My sight was bleary and unclear. Sucks huh?

The next day, I didn't want to make the same mistakes. The plan was still the same; snorkeling and discover the islands. I prepared myself well, wore my contacts and yes I was so ready to rumble baby hah. The island to discover was Cemara Besar. It took about 1 hour to reach the island from my inn.

One hour has passed and the next thing I knew that my eyes were staring at one of the most beautiful views I've ever seen in my entire life. The sight that will stay on my mind forever.

I have a dream, that someday I'll be living in a beautiful place, where I can breathe clean air, smell the scent of flowers, where the water is so crystal clear. The place that is so quite, so calm, where the people are warm and can feel affection for each other.

Suddenly a phone call woke me up from my nap. It was from my mom, asking what time will I arrive at Jakarta. Apparently I fell asleep during my way home from Karimun Jawa. And that was it.
As my time passed on my way home, so was my dream.

Guess I have to go back to the reality, back to the day to day routines, and accept the fact that I have to deal with obnoxious thing like this

So please help me God :)


Kunci Sukses Menjadi Politisi

Tak lelah berjanji
Cerdas berimajinasi
belajarlah di fiksimini



In economic terms
there is a thing called equilibrium

You are my equilibrium
You balance me

At this point of my life

I've come to a conclusion
that everybody is wearing their own mask


Saat ibadah dipertanyakan

Saya bukan penggemar Ahmad Dhani dengan band Dewa atau Dewa 19-nya (pake nama yang mana sih sekarang? hmm ok ga penting). Tapi ada satu lagu karya dia yang menjadi semacam wake-up call buat saya. Sebuah lagu yang saya terkejut, terperangah dan tersentak karena untaian liriknya. Sebuah lagu cerdas.

Apakah kita benar-benar tulus menyembah pada-NYA
Atau mungkin kita hanya takut pada neraka dan inginkan surga
Jika surga dan neraka tak pernah ada, masihkan kau sujud kepada-NYA?

Rangkaian lirik lagu di atas membuat saya berpikir, selama ini apa benar saya sudah tulus menyembah Dia Tuhan Penguasa Alam? Apa saya sudah ikhlas? Atau saya hanya sekedar beribadah saja, tanpa tahu tujuan beribadah itu sendiri?

Atau saya beribadah karena takut? Takut akan neraka dan lupa bahwa tujuan penciptaan dari umat manusia adalah semata untuk menyembah-NYA?

Renungkanlah kawan,
Selamat berpuasa..

"Dan aku tidak menciptakan Jin dan Manusia melainkan supaya mereka menyembah-KU"
(QS: Az-Dzariat 51:56)
"Katakanlah: Sesungguhnya Shalatku, Ibadahku, Hidupku dan Matiku hanya untuk Allah Tuhan Semesta Alam"
(QS: Al An-Am 6:162)


Pahlawan Kesiangan

Sang veteran perang tidak jadi mengikuti upacara kemerdekaan
Dia telat bangun pagi



Angin berputar tak tentu arah
terjebak dalam ruang dingin gelap dan lembab
barat selatan timur utara
burrpp aahhh
akhirnya terlepas
oleh sendawa yang membawa nikmat


Sulap Gagal

Terjadi pada saat bang "ABAD" melenyapkan sejumlah uang dan gagal memunculkannya kembali


Label called education

Have you ever realized that we actually study, I mean literally study, when we've already get off from education institution? That we actually learn something real, applicable when we're enter the world called the working world. If that so, what's the use of education anyway? Just ponder it for a moment folks.

When I graduated from my university 1 year ago, I asked myself, what have I got from my education? All those theories, curriculum, scores, does it really count in a working world? Will the theory I've learned could help me in solving problems at work?

I studied economic. After I graduated, to be honest I didn't feel I know that much about economics. Is this because I was too lazy to study? Well not really (self-defense :P). I think I was doing pretty good as a college student. I got great GPA, graduated on time while many others of my friends took a longer year. But after I entered the working world, I feel all the knowledge I got back on college did not really count. I had to learn from the beginning. Then again, I asked myself, What's the use of education?

I don't have any good great answer to that question. Or maybe you can answer that question for me? All I know and I believe for sure that education is important. It really is. As William Allin puts it "Education is not the anwer of all the question. Education is the means of the answer of all the question"

Tamu yang diundang

saya kira malaikat maut akan datang hari ini
ternyata beliau baru bisa datang bulan depan
aah padahal saya sudah sangat muak dengan suami saya



Luka hatinya tak kunjung sembuh
terus menerus berdarah
mungkin hatinya terkena diabetes

And The Sun

Matahari sudah lelah bersinar
Dia berpikir untuk terbit dibarat


being selfish

It is understandable if someone get hurt by the things I've said or done
I am not God who does not make any mistakes

It is understandable if someone hate me that much
I am a normal human being who can't make everybody happy

but please..give me a break

I deserve to have my own decision
I deserve to choose

YOU! nothing but pain in the ass

angkara murka membuncah

tekanan darah meningkat

senyuman hilang berganti kernyitan di dahi

pada satu titik hilang kendali

itu semua karena satu hal..YOU!


Lip Service

Sungguh lucu bagaimana kata-kata bisa membuat seorang wanita berbunga-bunga,merasa menjadi orang paling bahagia di dunia dan lupa pernah mengalami keadaan yang bernama kesedihan

Sungguh lucu bagaimana kata-kata juga bisa membuat seorang wanita terpuruk, hilang harga dirinya dan merasa seakan jatuh ke dalam jurang paling dalam hingga tak mampu lagi menghadapi hari esok.

The message here are..
If someone (particularly a man) say something sweet to you, that is too sweet to be true, be happy but don't take it too seriously. And If someone say something bad to you that make you mad, sad,whataver.. let it go..

Because words are only a bunch of letters honey
They do not deserve to fail you nor make you sad




One word that has been on my mind lately

I smell factious

I smell rottenness

Don't be such a naive

Wake up and smell the reality

Question Mark

I am now at some point where I am questioning my life. What have I done in my life so far? Was that enough? Have I achieved something? What is my purpose of life? Sometimes I think that whether I am walking on the right path or not. Am I walking on the right track? Track that will at the end deliver me to the happy ending. It’s not that I am a sad-miserable-pathetic-desperate-for-love-affection-attention-kind-of person. I am happy about my life at the moment (pretty much). I feel happiness. I do.

But I want more..

One day I watched a movie called “3 idiots”. One of the characters on the film said “ Life is a race, if you don't run fast ,you'll left behind" Then I started to think. Am I left behind? Sometimes I feel that way. It is a normal feeling though. At my age right now,I feel I haven’t achieved anything big. I do have a wonderful family, I do have a job, I do have friends. But is that all enough? Can I ask for more?

I want a great career. I want to take a post graduate program. I want to have a great love life. I want to travel around the world. I want to be able to contribute something to the world or at least to my society or to my family. I want this.. I want that..bla bla..and so on and so on

Will God mad at me for being ungrateful? Is it wrong if I want to have everything in my life? Is it wrong if I become ambitious? Is it wrong for always running and doesn't pay attention to others?

Is it?


enough said

This quote from my favorite film is just really amazing. An advice from a father to his young daughter.

"Look in my opinion the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood,bad mood,ugly,pretty,handsome, what you have. The right person is still going to think the sun shines out your **s.
That's the kind of person worth sticking with"

(Mac Mcguff from "JUNO")

Well in my case, obviously kinda hard to find that kind of person at the moment haha. enough said.

India it is..

If someone asks me, "Which country that you would like to visit the most?" I would definitely answer INDIA. It's like my biggest dream to visit the second most populated country in the world. India somehow attracts me in a way I can't describe. Its culture, its people, its ancient building, its history and so on. Taj mahal, Bollywood, Indian dancing, Saree etc. Anything about India.. just bring it to me darl :P

but if i can narrow down to one reason why I really want to go to this country, it's all because of this man..

Call me shallow or not grown up or immature or anything..I don't care. I'm just crazy over Mr Aamir Khan. End of story.



I'm a castaway
stranded in the middle of nowhere
I wish I could



I love reading. I read everything. Novel, newspaper, magazine, history books, good books, great books, whatever you name it. But I do not read comics. I'm not that comic freak kind of person. Well anyway one day a friend of mine said to me "Why don't you try to make a blog? since you love to read " I was like " What? A blog? Are you kidding me? I don't feel I can write. I don't feel I can make such a good writing. And most of all I can let anyone (especially someone I don't know) read my writings. I was too afraid to accept critics, comments, etc. I do have a diary but a blog is a whole different thing.
But things changed. Right now i feel the euphoria to write. There are so many things in my mind that I would like to share. And now I am ready to be judge, I am ready to accept whatever advices,critics and comments.
There are many reasons that motivate someone (particularly myself) to write. In my opinion the reasons are:
  • Writing could be some kind of therapy. It releases tension. When I feel so upset, I write, and I feel much better after doing it. When I feel happy, I write and it makes me feel happier.
  • Writing forces me to keep thinking. It's not easy to make something acceptable to read. It is hard at the beginning. I didn't know what to write, I didn't know how to write. But this whole thing is the learning process that requires me to keep think.
  • Writing means that I record my history, I record the story of my life. My writing is my product, my work, my creation.
So here I am. Go public on my first blog. Learning to write. Trying to contribute something to the world. Trying to prove that I am exist in this wicked world hahah. Hopefully I can make a good writing. Happy writing for me :P

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing"

-Ben Franklin